so this week has been a great one, but went by so fast, i
seriously dont even remember to much of what went down, but i do have some good
key highlights!
so we have been finding tons of new people to teach, which
is like the biggest blessing for a missionary, we have 6 people that have a
baptismal date for the month of June, now we just have to make sure that their
testimony continues growing and that they keep the desire!
Also, we have been teaching a family, who is completely
awesome! named the family Contreras, a dad, whose dad is a member already, his
wife, and thier two daughters, they have come to church about five times, and
have seen a baptismal service before, super prepared, however, they just have a
little trial right now, but the Lord is still moving forward working miracles!
just keep the family contreras in your prayers if at all possible, the faith of
many is stronger than the faith of few ;)
other little things of the week, we did an intercambio with
the ZL trainers, elder Martinez and elder Aplanalp, elder martinez goes home
this transfer, his comp the next, and my comp the one after that, im living
among trunky temptation, did i mention that my comp also got his flight plan
already??? ya, its kinda rough being a 10 month missionary, but im learning and
loving it all the same, and time is still flying! haha
p day was fun today, we went and played some basketball with
some other elders in the zone, super good time, i always love p day balling, i
forgot to take a pic though, sorry about that one...
infact i dont have any new pics for this week, but i do have
a story that will make your day! so we had to go to maquiteria to do a
baptismal interview for the DLs in our zone, we get to the house and this crazy
old lady is standing outside screaming and cursing up a storm threatening to
take this girl down with a machete, crazy stuff! anyways, the nieghbor happens
to be the 2nd counselor in the ward, and he comes out and finally convinces her
to leave (he told us she was crazy) so we commenced with the baptismal
interview outside the same house, (she was the grandma of the boy being
baptized) and all was going well, then half way through crazy grandma starts on
her way back, we see her coming down the street and freak out, she was gonna
ruin the interview and break the spirit! then came the 2nd counselor to save
the day, he met her in the street, and asked her to walk with him, i could just
overhear their conversation, he was basically flirting with her to keep her
from going to the house! hahaha he was our hero, so after the interview, we
baught him a pepsi in the nearest colmado and all was well :) made us laugh so
love you guys, sorry i didnt take any pics this week, next
week for sure ;)
until next week!